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whateverSpace has set up a fund to support BIPOC individuals attending our events for free. We encourage those benefiting from white privilege to contribute $$ to this fund if possible! All income from donations and ticket sales is split evenly between event instructor and whateverSpace. All whateverSpace income currently goes towards trying to break even on our space rental. Rent is split evenly between whateverSpace board members, and in the past we have paid for BIPOC scholarships by splitting the cost amongst board members. We are glad to offer this fund as a more sustainable way to facilitate free attendance for BIPOC. Though we are not currently holding events at our physical location due to COVID-19, we plan to once it is safe enough to do so. As of now any $$ in the BIPOC donation fund will go towards covering the current cost of attendance for BIPOC students, and if we receive donations that exceed this amount, we will be applying the funds expediently in keeping with anti-racist work, tbd at our next board meeting. Thank you for your patience as we work out the details of this new fund. Reach out with any questions: info@whateverspace.org